The Issues

The Rabble Rousers have identified four key issues that we wish to tackle within AFSCME District Council 33 Local 696:






As we have surveyed the membership, we’ve learned that Local 696 feels isolated from itself and from the rest of AFSCME. We’re going to fix that in a number of ways- firstly by showing you what exactly it is a labor union does.

  • We will make documentation such as copies of the Local constitution and updated contracts with the City of Philadelphia readily available to all members
  • We will publish a monthly newsletter with news from the International, the Council, and the Local
  • We will conduct a thorough audit of all the Local’s finances- and we’ll tell you how your dues are being spent
  • We will publish minutes to general membership meetings and Executive Board meetings, and make them available to all members
  • We will make informational posters and flyers with up-to-date contact information for your shop stewards to be posted in all shops
  • We will update the mailing lists annually, so you always get your mail from the Union


Union-busting, misinformation, and scam artists are fast, advanced, and subtle. To compete, Local 696 needs modern digital infrastructure to keep its members safe and informed.

  • We will create a new website, just for Local 696
  • We will digitize all documents- treasurer’s reports, meeting minutes, and more- so that you can have quick access to the information you need
  • We will build forums and instant messaging services so that you can keep in touch with 696 members in shops outside your own
  • We will conduct general membership meetings simultaneously in-person and virtually, so you never have to miss a meeting
  • We will use modern communication techniques to mobilize our members to events and rallies
  • We will create a new list of emails and phone numbers for all members, so communication can be instant


AFSCME District Council 33 Local 696 is composed of many departments- Finance, Free Library, Pensions, Revenue, Records, L&I, Law, City Commissioner’s Office- and more! What does that mean for you at your shop, and what is your labor union doing for you? We believe that AFSCME works best with an informed membership

  • We will institute robust training programs for all members.
  • We will teach you about your rights as a Union Member, as an employee, and as a human being.
  • We will train all Shop Stewards/Delegates on modern labor activist techniques and City policy to build an effective team of advocates for you.
  • We will hold regular contract & constitution readings, so you can fully understand the system you’re working in.


An AFSCME member can always contact their shop steward, but what if that member doesn’t know they should file a grievance? Advocating for workers is a job, and it’s a job we take seriously.

  • 696 Shop Stewards will report all meetings with members to the Business Agent
  • We will maintain written records of all encounters with members, the City, and Management
  • We will require annual surveys of the entire membership, so that we know how we’re doing
  • We will host events outside of general membership meetings, so the members can learn each other’s struggles and build solidarity