September General Membership Meeting & Protest Investigation

Good evening, Rabble Rousers!
Email summary:
  • Local 696’s next General Membership Meeting
  • July Election Protest Investigation
General Membership Meeting
Our next General Membership Meeting is Thursday, 21 September 2023. Not much to say about it, really- no agenda has been distributed so we don’t know what to expect.for
Protest Investigation
We had our protest investigation yesterday. The investigator, Michael DeMarco, heard our 7 protests and the rebuttals from the Election Committee. As I commented in my previous email, there isn’t much to report. DeMarco will go over the evidence and issue a decision sometime in the near future. For reference, it took Investigator Denise Gilmore 28 days to issue a decision regarding the March 2023 election, and so I would expect things to be quiet for the next several weeks.
There was, however, one comment from Election Committee Chair Darlene Booker-Jones that we would like to address. Chair Booker-Jones seemed displeased by the existence of this email list/blog, complaining in her opening statements about how we are discussing these protests “on social media”.
Thanks for reading, Darlene! We are distributing this information freely and openly because these election protests are not personal vendettas against Tony, Bobby, you, or anyone else. They are the business of the membership and the membership has a right to know.
Here is my promise to you and to the full membership: I will continue to publish information regarding the Local for as long as I am a member of this Local.
As always, Rabble Rousers are ready and available to help with workplace concerns & complaints. If you’re having an issue at work, or if you would like to collaborate with us, let us know at .
Thanks for reading!
In solidarity,
J. Matthew Catron
Candidate for Business Agent
Rabble Rouser

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